Hi! I'm Grace.
From a young age, I have spent most of my free time engaging in some form of art. Whether it was drawing, painting, sewing, or crocheting, art was the one thing that allowed me to focus and brought me immense satisfaction. Upon receiving a Wacom drawing tablet as a gift in high school, I discovered the world of boundless possibilities that was digital creation. My projects now unrestricted by time and spacial constraints, lent me surplus capacity to plan my creative process more intentionally. As my understanding of creativity deepened, I learned that what I create could represent beyond self-expression, but also as a way of problem-solving. This was the day I distinguished art from design.
Pursuing a degree in Psychology further escalated my interest in design principles. Not only would I now notice and scrutinise the fine details in fonts, shape, and compositions, I also became increasingly curious of the design choices made based on how final products would be perceived. While fine art was expressive and abstract, design was strategic, precise, and simplistic. It represented the delicate balance between my love for art and curiosity for human cognition.
My eagerness to explore this dynamic nexus between my interests shaped my goals for the years to come. As I continued to learn and grow in my respective disciplines, I began to notice the ways art and design coincide, and how they complimented, rather than opposed each other. Drawing on my illustrative abilities, I preserved the essence of storytelling in my work, creating communicative designs that delivered subliminal narratives. Excited to place the creative inuition I have accumulated over my life into a proffesional career, I compiled this website to showcase a range of my proudest projects.